This is my brother's sixth exhibition of cat paintings, all of which are inspired by his real-life pet cat. He uses acrylics on canvas. He has a whimsical, humorous and cheerful style, and what he often likes to do is place his adventurous little cat in all sorts of wacky scenarios.

My brother has even done cat paintings with satirical social commentary. Not for the current exhibition. But here's one example, from a previous exhibition:

And here's another. I guess this is about HDB's prohibition on flat owners having a pet cat:

Awfully cute, the last one!
Have your brother considered Scottish fold. :)
I really like them a lot. They are really good!
Is that Molly Meek ?
Ooooo cute Kuching! I love the ones at the "Speal Cori" and that equally cute mouse dancing on its head :)
would any of them be for sale?
It's "Speaker's Corner". :)
Yes, all paintings are for sale.
We got a Paul Koh's painting on our wall at home. And PK's cat on our t-shirts. Meow ;)
"And here's another. I guess this is about HDB's prohibition on flat owners having a pet cat"
Are you sure this is the case? I think this sort of statement spells disaster for credibility.
I think feeding strays is illegal or frowned upon, but not having legal pets.
They're good! =)
Oh dear the cats are so cute!
I notice my cat looks a bit like the profile photo you have ( http://www.facebook.com/becky.cheung#/photo.php?pid=1522515&id=586648014 ) and he is also black and white.
@KAM: "Are you sure this is the case? I think this sort of statement spells disaster for credibility.
I think feeding strays is illegal or frowned upon, but not having legal pets."
HDB specifically bans cats:
"Cats are not allowed to be kept in HDB flats as they are difficult to be confined within the flats. The nuisances caused by cats such as shedding of fur, defecating/urinating in public areas, noise disturbance etc would affect the environment and neighbourliness in our housing estates. In view of this, HDB has the policy of not allowing cats to be kept in HDB flats."
(source: hdb's pet policy page)
Utter nonsense that can't hold water of course, especially when even the AVA extols the suitability of cats as indoor pets (pdf) and encourages keeping pet cats indoors. Of course, all pets should be sterilised.
Btw, Kam, feeding strays is not against HDB rules.
The Straits Times, 21-08-2004, VOICES
Postcards to a PM;The Straits Times asked readers for their thoughts on the Goh years - and this is what some had to say
"ONCE, WHEN A LADY asked PM Goh during his Kim Keat walkabout about whether it was illegal to feed stray cats, he wisely replied that it was not illegal but it must be done responsibly. On behalf of all cats in Singapore, I want to say 'Thank you very much."
- Mabel Koh, Pasir Ris
I sometimes feed strays too. And when I move out of my HDB flat to my new house, I shall most definitely have a pet cat.
Unless I end up having a pet dog.
Feeding cats is as bad as littering
This is something I've not thought about in the Singapore context - how many people in Singapore are allergic to cats? It is pretty common in the US and the main culprit is the shedding of hair/fur by the cats.
The symptoms are quite severe too, some people can suffer from severe respiratory problems (not sure about death, but it's pretty bad) if they do not have their allergy medication with them. Here, people with cats at home often warn their friends to bring their medication if they intend to visit.
As far as I know, cats are perfectly fine at home indoors. Some cats do not even like to be outside, though that's rare. I expect some extra precautions may have to be taken for high-rise buildings. The only problem for densely populated areas is the risk of provoking allergies if a cat escapes for a long enough time (oh ... they will, heh).
Neutered cats are perfectly fine indoors. Otherwise the toms will get that roaming instinct to go out and prowl their territory.
I didn't know that was your brother!! I've seen his works around a lot and I think I've bought some before. Nice!
By the way, allergies to cats are not because of "the shedding of hair/fur by the cats" but rather due to allergen contained in cat saliva, and cat dander from sebaceous glands in the cats' skin. And these allergens are invisible to the naked eye.
Help for Getting a Cat Despite Your Allergy to Cats
Asthmatic Cats May Be Allergic To Humans, Say Vets
A cat running out or a stray cat doesNOT provoke allergies in passerby's although this has been a reason for complaint to the town council resulting in culling of ALL the cats in the vicinity of the block of the complainant!
This paranoia was heightened during the SARS crisis when a son visiting his sick mother in a HDB flat filed a complaint with the town council.
A resident noticed a cat at the window of a flat at the opposite block also filed a complaint and the cat owner had to sneak the cat away when the HDB officer come knocking. Then she has to put up thick curtains no the windows before sneaking the cat back.
So please do not spread unfounded fear of cats.
Early Life Exposure To Cats May Reduce Risk Of Childhood Allergies And Asthma Symptoms
I'd take felines over canines any day and together with my friend, we're always on the lookout for affiliations with cats. Coin pouches, soft toys, earrings and such ilk of girly enchantments (and unfortunately, pockets) find their shrine on our mantle.
What a surprise, therefore, to know that Catmasutra is the brainchild of your brother. Quirky and alluring. I'm sure I'm not the first to say that I love it! =)
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