The topic is "Big Boys Blogging” – the focus is on politicians and their blogs. The TV hosts would be the Flying Dutchman and Xue Ling. The programme is called BlogTV.sg.
I was somewhat tempted. For a short while. Anyway, I've made up my mind. I'm not going.
One year ago, an opportunity like this would have been really exciting to me. To appear on TV! And talk about blogs! With a PAP minister! Well, that was one year ago.
And one year in Internet time feels like 10 years in the offline world. Since then the Singapore blogosphere has come a long way. Bloggers are no longer going to burst with surprise, delight or alarm just because the mainstream media or the government wants to talk to them. (Okay, maybe "alarm" is still applicable).
The TV show will probably be a good chance for George Yeo to publicise his own blogging attempts (on Beyond SG and Ephraim Loy's blog). George Yeo has been blogging diligently for the past few months. But after the initial burst of public interest, hardly anyone bothers to read him anymore.
But I bet George will keep on trying. So will the post-65 MPs. After all, remember what PM Lee Hsien Loong had prescribed? The PAP needs to be more hip and happening, and the government needs to use "new" media to reach out to the masses.
The leader has spoken. And so the show must go on.
Kindof glad that you did not agree to the invitation. Heard from other bloggers who had attended such TV shows having their speeches 'censored'.
Ditto to normalsing. imo BlogTV.sg has a political agenda - to shape blogs/online media to the eyes of the offline world.
that doesn't really make much sense. here's a perfectly good chance to press for the nationwide later school starting hours you feel so passionately about.
Here's is a good opportunity for them to remind you of your place in the physical world, if you accept the invitation.
Did any of the previous bloggers make any differences in the real world by appearing on the Blog TV show? As they said, it is for show only.
Glad that you did not accept it.
Glad you didn't accept the invitation ;-) I'm probably biased because of what I've heard from those who were ever interviewed by MSM for causes they support. In the end, only the bits they said which are in-line with current/planned PAP policies will be published, other stuff all censored.
You should go Mr Wang. You are articulate and intelligent enough to provide a quality debate without risking censorship or foolish talk. If you feel so strongly about the direction of Singapore, you should make a stand for your point of view. Who knows? Your words may encourage more discerning people to join the opposition party.
I believe that Mr Wang, after careful consideration, made his decision in an intelligent way. He would have look at all the angles. I believe that Mr Wang knows the "real" impact of being on Blog TV. I think that his decision should be respected, after all, it is he who will go on TV and not the rest of us behind our computer screens.
Simple Blogger
Isn't this the 2nd TV programme that Mr Wang has declined? First reason was that his Mandarin is inadequate. Now that this programme is in English, his reason is that blogging is passe?
Come on Mr Wang, don't just take pot shots from your blog. Let us see how good you really are.
Good decision not to go.
You can reconsider if they promise to broadcast it live!
Nothing on national TV ever is spontaneous. It would be dumb to think that the pseudodutchman's programme came out of some mediacorp internal programming initiative.
No need to say more, do you remember what a pap mp said about 'managing the net' - that's probably a Freudian slip on what's up the sleeves of these scheming politicians.
I recall reading Gayle Goh's frustration over her first TV exposure in a Diana Ser hosted programme - whatever significant she said were rubbed out!
So Mr Wang, if you go, they will make a fool out of you and will manipulate the whole darn thing with some 'creative' digital video editing.
Don't go unless it's going to be live, or you are allowed to have an assistance to record the whole thing on camcorder! Which is of course wishful thinking.
But perish the thought that your refusal would result in some soul serching on their part. Leopards don't change spots. There are more than enough evidence throughout the short political history under the pap to tell you that pappy won't budge and they believe they can outlast and outstage any and every opposition to their rule.
Mr Wang,you are right.
It is absolutely useless to be used as part of wayang.
Watch what they do and not not they say.and we probably all know too well by now.
Happy new year and write on.
Mr Wang:
You have chosen wisely, by turning down the offer.
Never trust them.
George Yeo is probably working OT, either out of his own volition, or from higher instructions. To generate a positive PR of PAP, letting others perceive it is an open, consultative party.
Hardly surprising, considering Georgie boy almost got embarrassed at Aljunied GRC not too long ago.
I repeat. Never trust them. Because they have been proven to be untrustworthy, and unrepentant.
Also, I believe Lee Hsien Loong, the stooge of his father, had mentioned on more than one occasion this curious phrase, 'let a hundred flowers bloom' with regards to opening up. Google up some China history and find out the details.
yau-ming's blog wrote: "Who knows? Your words may encourage more discerning people to join the opposition party. "
Unless the programme was done live, some of Mr Wang's words might not even make it on air. ;-)
Maybe the whole point of inviting Mr. Wang is for our Matrix Master to get to know him personally, and if found suitable, to "co-opt" him into the gang!
Let's see: Mr. Wang, after all, belongs to the post-65 generation. He has the right amt of education, and a large following on the net. Surely it is better to "co-opt" him with $100,000, than to let him continue enlightening thousands of people each month online?
Hmm, "co-opt" - yet another creative name! keke
Good for you Mr Wang. Hope Gayle is spurning the offer too.
GY wants to lah kopi with you. Good that u skip it though. This kopi difficult to lah. Muahahaha...
"Ditto to normalsing. imo BlogTV.sg has a political agenda - to shape blogs/online media to the eyes of the offline world."
100% agree. The mainstream media has zero credibility. Attending it would be lending it credibility. It is like talkingcock being approved by LHL, it risks losing street cred.
Agree. After all these years PAP has lost its credability that they are serious in listening to alternative or even public views. It's all a political show before they impose the expected laws to tighten the screws on internet bloggers/commentators.
Just a conspiracy Theory...
Wang kept refusing to appear on TV on numerous opportunities...
Could Wang actually be George Yeo?!
Mr Wang, that was a good decision and I respect you the more for your decision which is very wise. If you go, they will simply make capital out of you and tilt everything to their advantage. You will be used.
A good decision. :)
After all we had been warned by both the MIW and the MDA that Blogger should just stay in our partisan Internet and should not place ourselves under the limelight of the MSM.
I would be more worried for Mr Wang if he decided to go for the interview and make some comments on TV that the minister does not like to hear, would later got shoot jia lark jia lark like Mr Brown. :P
mr wang, you seem like a publicity-shy person. it makes me wonder if you're too self-conscious of how you would look on tv?
i was right all along, singaporeans are a bunch of people who loves to complain and complain, but when there is an opportunity to speak up, they chicken out!
Innocence or stupidity?
Here's the feedback from a blogger who DID go on the show. It doesn't sound like very positive feedback to me.
Mr Wang, I am glad that you did not accept the offer to be on Blog.TV. I hate this Blog.TV program.
Roger Lee
Mr Wang,
Check out Gayle's comment on your post.
I will now tell you one reason why I decided not to go on this show.
Late last year, on the P65 blog, PAP MP Michael Palmer wrote a post expressing his views about NS, ending with the words:
"... But I am pretty sure that not everyone has the same views that I have. I would love to hear what you think."
So I left a comment, saying "This is what I think" and posting two links to two old posts on my blog: to this and this;
where I had argued at great length that the NS system must be modified to make things more equitable for Singapore citizens vis-a-viz foreigners in Singapore.
My comment wasn't allowed to appear on the P65 blog.
Although George Yeo is not one of the P65 bloggers, and although P65 bloggers certainly have the perogative to decide which comments can or cannot appear on their blog -
this little incident gave me a strong impression of what the PAP really means by "debate" and "discussion" on the Internet.
When the TV invitation came, I recalled this incident and it contributed to my decision not to meet with George Yeo on TV. It really feels quite pointless to me.
Joe, use your brains before you shoot off!
Couldn't agree less with Mr. Wang that it was pointless for him to appear on TV, which is obviously a publicity scheme or wayang staged by the MIW to fool the public. Remember the TV forum where MM demanded for proof of the opinion poll put forward by ST reporter Ken and later admolished by MM for failing to provide such proof or names.
It would be unwise for our beloved Mr. Wang to run the risks of being ridiculed by our Georgie and be subject to the same dirty tactics used to 'fix' the opposition politicians. Definitely this is not a case of Mr. Wang chickening out or not.
mr wang,
Is the real reason that you didn't want to be identified? If not, I think you should have gone and challenged George Yeo. Otherwise we'll keep having second rate bloggers appearing on the show.
U're right to decline to go -- for no better reason than that Blog TV is pathetic! Yikes, it's really an apology of wanna-be hip show (watched two episodes and came to same conclusion both X)
Even Kway Teow Man is talking about your post too....
Prescient decision not to be a part of this brainless wayang by a bunch of legacy production buffoons (they're not even journalists, mind you) who can't tell new media from the controlled editorial environment they're steeped in. Any you can be sure any edgy comments you say will be reconfigured digitally. Who needs talking heads on TV about blogs? Give me break!
Way to go Mr Wang! BlogTV is an embarassment to Singapore's move to be a Media Hub. A cheapo production farce masquerading as hip. True netizens don't need to sell out. Have you seen the jokers they put on air and the inanity mouthed? Hats off to you for seeing through the rubbish spouted by the talking heads on this joke of a program that's clutching at straws to see itself through an experimental season.
Dear Mr Wang Says So,
My attention was brought to your comment posted on 4 Jan 2007 at 3.06pm where you said that one of the reasons why you didn't go onto the show was because I censored a comment that you left on my blog. The comment I believe was made by way of 2 links to old posts you had made on your blog.
I apologise for not posting your comment. It was not intended to censor your comment. I must have done so inadvertently. The reason for that being I have to censor the numerous advertisements containing links for various drugs that I receive. When I saw your comment containing links, I must have assumed that it was another spam advertisement.
I invite you to repost your comment with links or with the text in full. I will post it. Once again, my apologies.
Michael Palmer
Anonymous said...
Joe, use your brains before you shoot off!
Anon January 4, 2007 6:19 PM, I totally agree with you. Common sense will tell you. I am glad that Mr. Wang make the right choice of NOT accepting the invitation to appear on Blog.TV. This is his choice. We all know the media is "wayang". To those who criticize and give negative comments about his decision, please think wisely before passing your judgment.
you earned your street cred. don't sell out to sycophants.
Mr Wang is such an Elite Blogger that he refuses to meet George Yeo, and replying to MPs like Michael Palmer is beneath him.
Even our PM, SM, MM got reply to MPs. But Mr Wang no need to!
Actually I had already accepted Michael Palmer's kind offer and posted a comment on his blog. But I have not checked to see if he has published it.
Chinese History, Emperor will invite his people for a feast and point to a deer and say it's a horse, many kept quiet, some agree and praise the Emperor for having such a fine horse, some were blunt to point out his mistake.
Those who point out his mistake were later executed.
You made the right choice after reading Gayle's blog after the show.
Michael Palmer seems to have the habit of deleting/delaying challenging comments and then putting them online when someone makes noises.
don't know if you've already discovered this but i found this fako pretending to be you at http://www.mrwangsayso.blogspot.com/ when i accidentally missed out the 's' in your url. tsk. idiot.
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