Jan 9, 2010

Another Review of Two Baby Hands

NP Tribune is Ngee Ann Polytechnic's student newspaper. Apparently it's been in production for the past 18 years. A friend just sent me a page from the latest issue, because it contains a review of my poetry book Two Baby Hands.

This reviewer, Grace Yeoh, appears to have enjoyed my poems a lot. Her only complaint is that the book is too short. She finished reading the 99-page volume "all too soon" and that caused her some disappointment.

Elsewhere in the article, Grace is lavish with her positive adjectives, describing my book as "such a good find", and my poems as "enthralling".

The review ends on a very "thumbs up" note:
    "Despite its stark and simple language, Two Baby Hands has the amazing ability to affect you deeply, and leave you in a reflective state of mind.


    That is the lingering feeling that Two Baby Hands leaves one with, long after the last page is turned."
Well, that's another small piece of personal memorabilia, to add to my collection. Thank you, Dr David Fedo, for sending the article to me.

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