Oct 12, 2009

Poor Quality of Media Reporting

I don't know why the local media's standards are so low. I am not trying to be nitpicky, but I do regularly see errors, inaccuracies and poor sub-editing in the local media, and it's just appalling. Here's one example:
ST Oct 12, 2009
Women's World Cup
Feng Tianwei in 3rd place
By Lin Xinyi

NATIONAL paddler Feng Tianwei will have to settle for a third-place play-off at the Women's World Cup after losing to China's world No. 2 Guo Yue in the semi-finals on Monday morning.

The world No. 7 went down 8-11, 11-5, 10-12, 11-8, 6-11, 8-11 in just under an hour at the Guangzhou Gymnasium.

Feng, who finished third in this event last year, will need to beat defending champion and world No. 3 Li Xiaoxia of China on Monday night to repeat that result.
The title is wrong. Feng Tianwei is NOT in 3rd place. If you read the article, you will see that actually, Feng Tianwei will be playing tonight in the play-off match for 3rd place, against Li Xiaoxia of China.

That means that Feng Tianwei will be in 3rd place, if she wins tonight.


  1. Maybe they already confirmed that she will win. Haha.

  2. Come on Mr Wang, its not that bad lah... seriously.

  3. nope, she lost. so she doesnt even HAVE 3rd place.

  4. in army she will kena extra guard duty for coming in 3rd...

  5. The PAPer are desperate to prove that the higher powers wanton spendings on luxury namesake are justified.

    But only IF....

    What to do? It happened.....

  6. the sad state of declining standards in singapore, a harbinger of things to come.

  7. Meanwhile, there are ST journalists who write not so much to inform or communicate, but to show off their knowledge of obscure words.

    Back in January I (tried to) read one page of ST Life (the Friday Music column) that had 10 words that I had not previously come across -- skittery, dubstep, knob-twiddlery, organ-esque, Zippos, elegy, segueing, twee, louche, limned.

    And while I could understand some other words, I could not understand what they meant in the particular context.

    I wrote to STForum about this and, of course, they did not publish my letter!

  8. She LOST! She is 4th....
    Wow...how to do damage control now, for ST? Hahahaha

  9. Hey dude, every one has the right to err. Just because they are journalists does not mean they are are equipped with a super human command of English. Each day they only have less than 15hours to churn a new story for the next day's paper.. Give them a break

  10. Who gives a shit? Chinaman play Chinaman. Nothing to do with Singapore.

  11. Maybe "... to vie for 3rd place" would be more appropriate.

    How I know? Because I encountered such headlines before.

    Has the standards dropped? Just like a lot of other things in recent years?

  12. Recently, I saw an article in the TODAY newspaper which gave general advice on how to invest your money.

    My eyes widened when I saw what nonsense was contained in the article. For example, it talked about capital gains tax (when there is NO such thing as capital gains tax in Singapore).

    The article also talked about how badly the stock market had done this year (when the Singapore stock market has actually done VERY well this year).

    Right at the end of the article, I saw that TODAY had bought the article from a US media organisation, and reproduced it.

    Everything that the writer had said was absolutely correctly - IF you were living in the United States.

    Alas, TODAY had blindly bought the article and reproduced the article, for a Singapore-based audience - without knowing that large parts of the article were just irrelevanrt or outright WRONG, in a Singapore context.

    I hope that the number of Singaporeans misled by the investing "advice" in that article was not too great.

  13. Hi Mr Wang,

    You are right...

    Unfortunately, some of the comments made by many of your fans (in other posts) here also tend to misle.

    I rarely read local newspapers, except for The Business Times, as I do not want to be misled...

    Its better to do your own analysis... even many of the stock analyst reports by International banks also tend to be skewed....

    Better to take your own and their data and form your own conclusion.

    In any case, mainstream journalism is increasingly becoming sunset industry... even the New York Times has financial difficulties.

  14. Not mislead (which requires us to establish malice), but just down-right wrong. I noticed it especially with Straits Times Online: several instances when I have read headlines that are wrong, mis-informed, politically incorrect, or are no way related to the article itself.

  15. The other one may be 'Most first-timers get flats', when it is actually first timers gets to SELECT flats. That's quite different from actually getting them.

  16. something that may interest you, mr. wang. quite ironic actually : http://jessicarulestheuniverse.com/2009/10/15/this-artwork-will-not-be-censored/#comments

  17. Another recent blatant case of "wrong" headlines... Ris Low bares all.

    That headline was pure sensational, implying that she stripped naked or at least bared her soul and revealed everything about her life.

    But no such thing. All she did was make a few remarke to the reporter!

  18. Just check on the ST website (16/10/2009), you will see 2 pieces of news on singapore bus services. Both reporting the same issue using very different heading. Why would newspaper want to do that unless they have made a mistake or is obliged to do so from higher authorities.



  19. The headlines are mostly by the sub-editors. The key objective is to summarise the gist of the article in an attention grabbing way so as to lure the reader to read the full story ( or for newstand display captions - to buy the paper ). So sensationalising, trying to be cute, clever, punning away etc is par for the cause - pun intended )

  20. Haha, good spotting!

    Check this one out too - http://bit.ly/8ueGQ


  21. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the phrase "...settle for a third-place play-off..." mean "...settle for competing for third place..."?

    According to dictionary.com, play-off is defined as "(in competitive sports) the playing of an extra game, rounds, innings, etc., in order to settle a tie."

  22. ...ok reading articles at 4am does not work...

    my bad for the previous comment...

  23. To err is human. Nobody is perfect.

  24. please stop saying "To err is human. Nobody is perfect" sounds so cliche. are u trying to show that you are very kind and forgiving? you need to have some quality control.

    for goodness sake, they are sub-editors, we pay to read the news, can we have some standard reporting please, the quality reporting which is what our minister Lui Tuck Yew has been boasting about the "mainstream media"!

  25. http://www.temasekreview.com/2009/10/21/atrocious-error-by-straits-times-it-is-tanigaki-not-hatoyama-who-visited-the-yasukuni-shrine/

  26. It is not just mistakes like this, our local media don't even have credibility in the 1st place.


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